One of the basic intentions missing in popular Tai chi forms is the aspect of its martial origins. When I studied with Gary Torres who taught from the Guang Ping Yang system, I learned more about practical martial aspects of Tai chi than I did in my previous Yang Tai chi training.
Here we go. (My current comments are in italics.)
* Learn anatomy. Learn how different injuries occur. Learn how far the body can "stretch" and in which direction before breaking. Learn how far is too far.
* Learn and understand neuro-muscular response so you can use it to your advantage.
* Demonstration: To break the collarbone, slide straight down the side of the face and strike with the back of the hand/knuckles.
* Demonstration: Shoulders only dislocate downward and forward or downward and backward. The bone structure prohibits upward dislocation.
* Demonstration: Strike the head or the neck?

* Demonstration: Structure of the rib cage and propensity to and type of damage.

From the side, ribs are not flexible and are susceptible to breaking from strike to side.
* Must be able to see the application in the form.
* In a "tall vs. short" fight...

Tall being on top has optimal downward force to push or pull (pull down from grabbing behind neck).
Remember, uprooting means getting the opponent out of their root - to cause to lose balance.
* Examine force vectors. Same force, same angle can yield different result. Learn where there is no support (or as the Chinese say, "find the open gate").

* The intent of Tai-chi is martial application - performing defensive and offensive movements on an imaginary opponent. If Tai-chi is performed without this intent, then you are not doing Tai-chi.
* Point striking. The body will react or follow certain patterns when struck in certain points. Energy moves in a prescribed way. The actual acupuncture point is no bigger than this dot * . The farther you get from the point, the more force is needed to activate it. This is true only up to a size of a U.S. nickel (about 2 cm) around the point.
* Some points are for killing and some are for knock-outs. Need to know which to use in today's litigious society.

* The key to Tai-chi defense is "Get the F*** out of the way!" There's no blocking. If you don't move, you get hit. Simple.
* Train the extremes. You will probably never encounter the extreme in a real situation and so will be adequately prepared.
* In Rollback, the force is primarily a down force applied with the forward elbow while the back hand controls the attacking hand back and past the body. In real-life, the speed of Rollback is a sudden, quick, drop, driving the attacker face first into the ground. The sudden-ness of the pull-drop causes the opponent's body to lurch forward and the head to whiplash backward which exposes and opens the throat for attack. The forward "down force" arm can then slide up the opponent's forearm and strike the instantaneously exposed throat. This is the true nature of Tai-chi. This is why you learn anatomy, learn how the body responds to force vectors and how to use this to your advantage.
* If you want to learn how to injure or kill someone, it is much easier, quicker and cheaper to buy a gun and practice target shooting than it is to learn the Chinese martial arts especially arts such as Tai-chi, Ba-gua and Xing-yi. You come to learn the internal arts for another purpose - the purpose of enlightenment.
See also:
Gary Torres: Journal Notes #10
Guang Ping Yang Tai Chi: Martial Stances
Guang Ping Yang Tai Chi: Basic Training
Ouch... Mr Mike,
ReplyDeleteAs I went through this blog post I could imagine some of the pain you could really do with this kind of martial art practice. Ouch-ie ouch-ie ouch
Being a smaller person I liked hearing I could have an advantage over some big tough guy. Did you ever fight with someone smaller than you? Do you think it is really true?
Thank you Mr Mike for sharing so many wonderful thing with us. I glad you didn't put real pictures up of all the ouch-ie stuff. I think it would be fun to learn though!
Hi Mike,
ReplyDeleteYour views on Tai Chi as a Martial Art is very interesting as I have always thought Tai Chi is for health purposes practise by old folks at the parks.
Not until I came across a Facebook Fan Page and a website bearing the same Master name, a Master Hiu.
Could you please check out the website and also the video that was posted in the website and appreciate your comments after viewing it.
Can Tai Chi really fight and do thte things as that Master has shown?
Referencing "Tai_chi_chuan" on Wikipedia:
ReplyDelete"The term t'ai chi ch'uan translates as "supreme ultimate fist", "boundless fist", "great extremes boxing", or simply "the ultimate"... "
I don't think that "Supreme Ultimate Fist" was merely a catchy slogan created by the folks in marketing to encourage old people to get up and move... slowly. I think people were kicking some serious butt with this stuff.
A couple thoughts on the video...
When I try to do the things that accomplished athletes can do, I quickly appreciate all the training time they must have put in to attain that level of skill.
When I see a product being marketed, I tend to question the claims being made.
Love that Pu Erh!